Saturday, June 26, 2010

Cross country moving...the non-stressful version

Well since I am the one wanting to pack so early, I thought I should add my thoughts to the conversation. So I know that packing a month and a half before we leave might sound a little ridiculous, but I thought why not? We have a lot of stuff that we don't use everyday, or even every week, so why keep all that stuff around to be frantically packed in a couple days. It always seems to take so much longer to get everything packed and ready to go when you're in the "frantic packing" stage. While packing little bits early on seems to take no time at all. All that I'm saying is I've done the "pack everything in your apartment in one day" quite a few times and I am done. I don't like the stress of packing up the house and the moving van in one day and then being exhausted the next day (which sometimes is when you're driving across the country to your new place of residence). So while packing early might be a little crazy, I'm going to be excited when that last week in Provo comes and all we need to do is load up the U-pack cube with our already neatly packed boxes, and then relax...oh and don't worry, Bryson will be grateful too. :)


  1. I like that plan alot too. I've done pack everything in one day way too often! Never again!

  2. I'm a pack-at-the-last-minute kind of guy, but when we left Provo, Angie was packing weeks in advance. It did make it a lot easier by the time we were ready to go - fitting it in a car and a small U-haul trailer was the difficult part. But I was grateful for it - I admit it.

  3. I'm totally with you, Whitney!

  4. There is something ingenious about this plan. And I'd like to say that I could do that, but I don't know if that's the case...maybe if I had more stuff...
