Thursday, June 23, 2011

6 Weeks!

Our little Emerson is 6 weeks old and time has certainly flown! He is getting big and we see more and more of his personality every day. He still loves to "talk" and we hear new sounds all the time. Plus, he loves to stay awake and look around at the world. One of his favorite things to look at is the clouds through the skylight. If he's awake in the living room, that where his eyes go a lot of the time. But he'll have to find something new to look at cause we won't be in this apartment for very much longer! We close on our house tomorrow and we couldn't be more excited! We are going to have a busy next couple of weeks but we're looking forward to it! Here are some more pictures of Emerson from the past couple of weeks.

Chillin' during tummy time.

Getting to know Grandma Sue!

I can lift my head up! I can do it...

...Or I'll just suck on my hand instead. :)

1 comment:

  1. Oh Whitney he just gets Cuter and cuter! You're buying a house! So exciting! I'm happy for you guys =)
