Thursday, July 1, 2010


Today a new Poet Laureate was named. A wonderful guy named W.S. Merwin who writes some pretty fantastic poetry. Its times like this when I remember how much I love poems, their strong imagery and metaphors and succinct ideas. This is a new favorite poet of mine, I wish I could read more of his poems, but alas, being living - and just being named Poet Laureate - means that its a bit more difficult to get free copies of his poems. I'll have to break down and buy a book someday soon.

To whet your palate, here are two great ones, one from NPR's story, and another that you'll have to link to from


Your absence has gone through me
Like thread through a needle.
Everything I do is stitched with color.


  1. powerful images. thank you. colorado's new pot laureate is David Mason, Kirk's creative writing advisor from Colorado College!

  2. I heard that same NPR story and wanted to get that poem "Seperation" I really loved it. Thanks!
